New wine district in Slovenia

by Robert Gorjak

A new wine law was come into force in Slovenia. The biggest change is the merger of six former districts - Radgonsko-Kapelski, Ljutomersko-Ormo ki, Srednje Slovenske Gorice, Mariborski, Haloze, and marsko-Vir tanjski - into a new one called A new wine law was come into force in Slovenia. The biggest change is the merger of six former districts - Radgonsko-Kapelski, Ljutomersko-Ormo ki, Srednje Slovenske Gorice, Mariborski, Haloze, and marsko-Vir tanjski - into a new one called tajerska Slovenija . As the blending of quality wine from different districts is not allowed under European law, a merger was necessary to prevent the resulting wines from being demoted to table wines status. The solution allows producers to bottle wine from the larger area while maintaining the quality level status. The Podravje region now consists of only two districts: tajerska Slovenia and Prekmurje. The Koprski district has been renamed Slovenska Istra, Vipavska dolina can now also be called Vipava and Gori ka Brda may now bear merely the name Brda. Slovenia has three regions that are now broken into 9 districts; before it had 14.



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