Harvest 2022: Still Too Much Wine

As 2022 draws to a close, most grapes have been harvested, except for a few late-maturing exceptions. Despite below-average quantities overall, the surplus remains a problem.

Reading time: 1m 15s

World wine production 2010-2022
World wine production 2010-2022

The final result for this year is still to come but both the optimistic and pessimistic estimates are below the long-term average of 268 mill. hl from 2010 -2022.

Too much wine: years of surplus (in mill. hl)

Surplus since 2010
Surplus since 2010

For years now, global wine production has exceeded consumption. Especially after vintages like 2018, the difference is significant.

Northern Hemisphere* vs. Southern Hemisphere

Depending on the vintage, the northern hemisphere produces almost four times as much wine as the southern half of the world. In absolute terms, in the South, volumes are subject to smaller fluctuations.

“Further declines in consumption are to be expected."

Overall, one can see that in the three major wine-growing countries of the EU - due to the heat and very low rainfall during the growing period – there were considerable fluctuations in harvest quantities. Yields in the southern hemisphere were generally high however.

Matthias Walter, Member of the Comité Vins (CEEV)
Matthias Walter, Member of the Comité Vins (CEEV)



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